There has to be wind beneath a bird's wings in order to make it fly and keep it in flight. In my life, the actual wind is the family structure that I have. My family, especially my sister, are all my heroes. The are my backbone; they keep me going, and they are the wind beneath my wings. Although one leaves their family to see the world, my family is the wind that keeps me floating. I am so close to my family, and they want me to fulfill my dreams. I yearn to see the world, and experience it to the fullest. So even though they do not want me to leave, they want me to live the life I imagined and come back to share stories.
The wind is also ambition. I have a huge amount of drive within me to strive to be the best I can be. 21 years old is a great age, not only because one can indulge (heavily) into alcoholic drinks, but because I feel as if it is take off time! My whole life I have been taught in school, and there has been a set path I should follow. Now, everyone veers off track occasionally, but in general, I have stuck to the path. However, starting in the spring when I graduate and head off into the "real world," I will be ready for take-off because of the confidence and education I have beneath me. I have and my ambition to live the life I've dreamed, become successful in TV/Comedy writing and stay close to my family, always!
"Fly, fly, fly high against the sky,
so high I almost touch the sky.
Thank you,
thank you,
thank God for you,
the wind beneath my wings."
-Bette Midler
very nice job